package ahocorasick
import (
// User defined.
// Set to true to print various extra stuff out (slows down the execution)
// Set to false for quick and quiet execution.
// const debugMode bool = true
type Result struct {
occurrences map[string][]int
// Implementation of Basic Aho-Corasick algorithm (Prefix based).
// Searches for a set of strings (patterns.txt) in text.txt.
// func main() {
// patFile, err := ioutil.ReadFile("../patterns.txt")
// if err != nil {
// log.Fatal(err)
// }
// textFile, err := ioutil.ReadFile("../text.txt")
// if err != nil {
// log.Fatal(err)
// }
// patterns := strings.Split(string(patFile), " ")
// fmt.Printf("\nRunning: Basic Aho-Corasick algorithm.\n\n")
// if debugMode == true {
// fmt.Printf("Searching for %d patterns/words:\n", len(patterns))
// }
// for i := 0; i < len(patterns); i++ {
// if len(patterns[i]) > len(textFile) {
// log.Fatal("There is a pattern that is longer than text! Pattern number:", i+1)
// }
// if debugMode == true {
// fmt.Printf("%q ", patterns[i])
// }
// }
// if debugMode == true {
// fmt.Printf("\n\nIn text (%d chars long): \n%q\n\n", len(textFile), textFile)
// }
// r := ahoCorasick(string(textFile), patterns)
// for key, value := range r.occurrences { //prints all occurrences of each pattern (if there was at least one)
// fmt.Printf("\nThere were %d occurrences for word: %q at positions: ", len(value), key)
// for i := range value {
// fmt.Printf("%d", value[i])
// if i != len(value)-1 {
// fmt.Printf(", ")
// }
// }
// fmt.Printf(".")
// }
// }
// AhoCorasick Function performing the Basic Aho-Corasick algorithm.
// Finds and prints occurrences of each pattern.
func AhoCorasick(t string, p []string) Result {
startTime := time.Now()
occurrences := make(map[int][]int)
ac, f, s := buildAc(p)
// if debugMode == true {
// fmt.Printf("\n\nAC:\n\n")
// }
current := 0
for pos := 0; pos < len(t); pos++ {
// if debugMode == true {
// fmt.Printf("Position: %d, we read: %c", pos, t[pos])
// }
for getTransition(current, t[pos], ac) == -1 && s[current] != -1 {
current = s[current]
if getTransition(current, t[pos], ac) != -1 {
current = getTransition(current, t[pos], ac)
fmt.Printf(" (Continue) \n")
} else {
current = 0
// if debugMode == true {
// fmt.Printf(" (FAIL) \n")
// }
_, ok := f[current]
if ok {
for i := range f[current] {
if p[f[current][i]] == getWord(pos-len(p[f[current][i]])+1, pos, t) { //check for word match
// if debugMode == true {
// fmt.Printf("Occurrence at position %d, %q = %q\n", pos-len(p[f[current][i]])+1, p[f[current][i]], p[f[current][i]])
// }
newOccurrences := intArrayCapUp(occurrences[f[current][i]])
occurrences[f[current][i]] = newOccurrences
occurrences[f[current][i]][len(newOccurrences)-1] = pos - len(p[f[current][i]]) + 1
elapsed := time.Since(startTime)
fmt.Printf("\n\nElapsed %f secs\n", elapsed.Seconds())
var resultOccurrences = make(map[string][]int)
for key, value := range occurrences {
resultOccurrences[p[key]] = value
return Result{
// Functions that builds Aho Corasick automaton.
func buildAc(p []string) (acToReturn map[int]map[uint8]int, f map[int][]int, s []int) {
acTrie, stateIsTerminal, f := constructTrie(p)
s = make([]int, len(stateIsTerminal)) //supply function
i := 0 //root of acTrie
acToReturn = acTrie
s[i] = -1
// if debugMode == true {
// fmt.Printf("\n\nAC construction: \n")
// }
for current := 1; current < len(stateIsTerminal); current++ {
o, parent := getParent(current, acTrie)
down := s[parent]
for stateExists(down, acToReturn) && getTransition(down, o, acToReturn) == -1 {
down = s[down]
if stateExists(down, acToReturn) {
s[current] = getTransition(down, o, acToReturn)
if stateIsTerminal[s[current]] {
stateIsTerminal[current] = true
f[current] = arrayUnion(f[current], f[s[current]]) //F(Current) <- F(Current) union F(S(Current))
// if debugMode == true {
// fmt.Printf(" f[%d] set to: ", current)
// for i := range f[current] {
// fmt.Printf("%d\n", f[current][i])
// }
// }
} else {
s[current] = i //initial state?
// if debugMode == true {
// fmt.Printf("\nsupply function: \n")
// for i := range s {
// fmt.Printf("\ns[%d]=%d", i, s[i])
// }
// fmt.Printf("\n\n")
// for i, j := range f {
// fmt.Printf("f[%d]=", i)
// for k := range j {
// fmt.Printf("%d\n", j[k])
// }
// }
// }
return acToReturn, f, s
// Function that constructs Trie as an automaton for a set of reversed & trimmed strings.
func constructTrie(p []string) (trie map[int]map[uint8]int, stateIsTerminal []bool, f map[int][]int) {
trie = make(map[int]map[uint8]int)
stateIsTerminal = make([]bool, 1)
f = make(map[int][]int)
state := 1
// if debugMode == true {
// fmt.Printf("\n\nTrie construction: \n")
// }
createNewState(0, trie)
for i := 0; i < len(p); i++ {
current := 0
j := 0
for j < len(p[i]) && getTransition(current, p[i][j], trie) != -1 {
current = getTransition(current, p[i][j], trie)
for j < len(p[i]) {
stateIsTerminal = boolArrayCapUp(stateIsTerminal)
createNewState(state, trie)
stateIsTerminal[state] = false
createTransition(current, p[i][j], state, trie)
current = state
if stateIsTerminal[current] {
newArray := intArrayCapUp(f[current])
newArray[len(newArray)-1] = i
f[current] = newArray //F(Current) <- F(Current) union {i}
// if debugMode == true {
// fmt.Printf(" and %d", i)
// }
} else {
stateIsTerminal[current] = true
f[current] = []int{i} //F(Current) <- {i}
// if debugMode == true {
// fmt.Printf("\n%d is terminal for word number %d", current, i)
// }
return trie, stateIsTerminal, f
Returns 'true' if array of int's 's' contains int 'e', 'false' otherwise.
@author Mostafa
func contains(s []int, e int) bool {
for _, a := range s {
if a == e {
return true
return false
// Function that returns word found in text 't' at position range 'begin' to 'end'.
func getWord(begin, end int, t string) string {
for end >= len(t) {
return ""
d := make([]uint8, end-begin+1)
for j, i := 0, begin; i <= end; i, j = i+1, j+1 {
d[j] = t[i]
return string(d)
// Dynamically increases an array size of int's by 1.
func intArrayCapUp(old []int) (new []int) {
new = make([]int, cap(old)+1)
copy(new, old) //copy(dst,src)
// old = new
return new
// Dynamically increases an array size of bool's by 1.
func boolArrayCapUp(old []bool) (new []bool) {
new = make([]bool, cap(old)+1)
copy(new, old)
// old = new
return new
// Concats two arrays of int's into one.
func arrayUnion(to, from []int) (concat []int) {
concat = to
for i := range from {
if !contains(concat, from[i]) {
concat = intArrayCapUp(concat)
concat[len(concat)-1] = from[i]
return concat
// Function that finds the first previous state of a state and returns it.
// Used for trie where there is only one parent.
func getParent(state int, at map[int]map[uint8]int) (uint8, int) {
for beginState, transitions := range at {
for c, endState := range transitions {
if endState == state {
return c, beginState
return 0, 0 //unreachable
// Automaton function for creating a new state 'state'.
func createNewState(state int, at map[int]map[uint8]int) {
at[state] = make(map[uint8]int)
// if debugMode == true {
// fmt.Printf("\ncreated state %d", state)
// }
// Creates a transition for function σ(state,letter) = end.
func createTransition(fromState int, overChar uint8, toState int, at map[int]map[uint8]int) {
at[fromState][overChar] = toState
// if debugMode == true {
// fmt.Printf("\n σ(%d,%c)=%d;", fromState, overChar, toState)
// }
// Returns ending state for transition σ(fromState,overChar), '-1' if there is none.
func getTransition(fromState int, overChar uint8, at map[int]map[uint8]int) (toState int) {
if !stateExists(fromState, at) {
return -1
toState, ok := at[fromState][overChar]
if !ok {
return -1
return toState
// Checks if state 'state' exists. Returns 'true' if it does, 'false' otherwise.
func stateExists(state int, at map[int]map[uint8]int) bool {
_, ok := at[state]
if !ok || state == -1 || at[state] == nil {
return false
return true