The Algorithms logoThe Algorithms
package montecarlopi

// import (
// 	"fmt"
// 	"math"
// 	"math/rand"
// 	"runtime"
// 	"sync"
// 	"time"
// )

// func main() {
// 	cpus := runtime.NumCPU()
// 	monteCarlo := func(iterations, cpus int) float64{
// 		start := time.Now()
// 		flow := make(chan int, int(math.Floor(float64(cpus)/2)))
// 		var wg sync.WaitGroup
// 		var total int
// 		miniFunc := func(iters int, flow chan int) {
// 			defer wg.Done()
// 			var inside int
// 			for i := 0; i < iters; i++ {
// 				x := rand.Float64()
// 				y := rand.Float64()
// 				if math.Hypot(x, y) <= 1 {
// 					inside++
// 				}
// 			}
// 			flow <- inside
// 		} //end of minifunc
// 		fuxc := func(flow chan int) {
// 			defer wg.Done()
// 			for i := 0; i < int(math.Floor(float64(cpus)/2)); i++ {
// 				total += <-flow
// 			}
// 		} //end of fuxc
// 		wg.Add(int(math.Floor(float64(cpus) / 2)))
// 		//spawn goroutines for half the logical processors
// 		// This leaves free cpus for swapping
// 		for i := 0; i < int(math.Floor(float64(cpus)/2)); i++ {
// 			go miniFunc(int(math.Ceil(float64(iterations/int(math.Floor(float64(cpus)/2))))), flow)
// 		}
// 		wg.Add(1)
// 		go fuxc(flow)
// 		wg.Wait()
// 		fmt.Printf("took %v \n",time.Since(start))
// 		return 4 * float64(total) / float64(iterations)
// 	}//end of monteCarlo
// 	fmt.Println(monteCarlo(2<<18, cpus))
// }

Monte Carlo Pi