celsius_to_fahrenheit(celsius, ndigits::Int = 2)
Converts celsius to fahrenheit and round to 2 decimal places
# Example
celsius_to_fahrenheit(273.354, 3) == 524.037 # returns true
celsius_to_fahrenheit(273.354, 0) == 524.0 # returns true
celsius_to_fahrenheit(-40.0) == -40.0 # returns true
celsius_to_fahrenheit(-20.0) == -4.0 # returns true
celsius_to_fahrenheit(0) == 32.0 # returns true
celsius_to_fahrenheit(20) == 68.0 # returns true
function celsius_to_fahrenheit(celsius, ndigits::Int = 2)
return round((float(celsius) * 1.8) + 32.0; digits = ndigits)
function celsius_to_kelvin(celsius, ndigits::Int = 2)
Converts celsius to kelvin and round to 2 decimal places
# Example
celsius_to_kelvin(273.354, 3) == 546.504 # returns true
celsius_to_kelvin(273.354, 0) == 547.0 # returns true
celsius_to_kelvin(0.0) == 273.15 # returns true
celsius_to_kelvin(20.0) == 293.15 # returns true
function celsius_to_kelvin(celsius, ndigits::Int = 2)
return round(float(celsius) + 273.15; digits = ndigits)
fahrenheit_to_celsius(fahrenheit, ndigits::Int = 2)
Converts fahrenheit to celsius and round to 2 decimal places
# Example
fahrenheit_to_celsius(273.354, 3) == 134.086 # returns true
fahrenheit_to_celsius(273.354, 0) == 134.0 # returns true
fahrenheit_to_celsius(0.0) == -17.78 # returns true
fahrenheit_to_celsius(20.0) == -6.67 # returns true
fahrenheit_to_celsius(40.0) == 4.44 # returns true
fahrenheit_to_celsius(60.0) == 15.56 # returns true
fahrenheit_to_celsius(80.0) == 26.67 # returns true
function fahrenheit_to_celsius(fahrenheit, ndigits::Int = 2)
return round((float(fahrenheit) - 32.0) * 5 / 9; digits = ndigits)
fahrenheit_to_kelvin(fahrenheit, ndigits::Int = 2)
Converts fahrenheit to kelvin and round to 2 decimal places
# Example
fahrenheit_to_kelvin(273.354, 3) == 407.236 # returns true
fahrenheit_to_kelvin(273.354, 0) == 407.0 # returns true
fahrenheit_to_kelvin(0) == 255.37 # returns true
fahrenheit_to_kelvin(20.0) == 266.48 # returns true
fahrenheit_to_kelvin(40.0) == 277.59 # returns true
fahrenheit_to_kelvin(60.0) == 288.71 # returns true
fahrenheit_to_kelvin(80.0) == 299.82 # returns true
function fahrenheit_to_kelvin(fahrenheit, ndigits::Int = 2)
round(((float(fahrenheit) - 32.0) * 5 / 9) + 273.15; digits = ndigits)
function kelvin_to_celsius(kelvin, ndigits::Int = 2)
Converts kelvin to celsius and round to 2 decimal places
# Example
kelvin_to_celsius(273.354, 3) == 0.204 # returns true
kelvin_to_celsius(273.354, 0) == 0.0 # returns true
kelvin_to_celsius(273.15) == 0.0 # returns true
kelvin_to_celsius(300) == 26.85 # returns true
function kelvin_to_celsius(kelvin, ndigits::Int = 2)
return round(float(kelvin) - 273.15; digits = ndigits)
function kelvin_to_fahrenheit(kelvin, ndigits::Int = 2)
Converts kelvin to fahrenheit and round to 2 decimal places
# Example
kelvin_to_fahrenheit(273.354, 3) == 32.367 # returns true
kelvin_to_fahrenheit(273.354, 0) == 32.0 # returns true
kelvin_to_fahrenheit(273.15) == 32.0 # returns true
kelvin_to_fahrenheit(300) == 80.33 # returns true
function kelvin_to_fahrenheit(kelvin, ndigits::Int = 2)
round(((float(kelvin) - 273.15) * 1.8) + 32.0; digits = ndigits)